The Role of Teacher-generated Evidence in Education Systems; From users to researchers

By Charles Gachoki, Evidence Use Synthesis Manager. Evidence is crucial in education. It is important to understand which teaching practices and innovations work best, where and when they work well, and how they work under different circumstances. By scrutinizing education evidence, we can integrate proven innovations into our education systems, promoting equity and quality. However, […]

Musings of an Intern

By Ezra Mwiti As the morning sun gently brushed through the curtains, a mix of anticipation and nervous excitement enveloped me. The thought of the upcoming interview for the youth and children-centric organization filled me with a sense of purpose. With each step in my morning routine, a cascade of possibilities played in my mind, […]

Emotional Intelligence, my saving height!

By Selin Wanjiku “‘Sasa kafupi!’ ‘Unaona mbele kweli?’” Hi, the short one, can you really see ahead? Those are some of the comments that bothered me many times because of my short stature. They often invaded deep into my emotions and ruined my days. …, Back in my primary school days, my peers nicknamed me […]

ALiVE Book

“We are excited to share that ALiVE has published a book, “Contextualization of 21st Century skills.” The book demonstrates how to build a contextual understanding of 21st century skills in East Africa. Free download here#ALiVEBook #Values #LifeSkills

Ways to Unleash Youth potential in 2024!

By Beria Wawira Dear Youth, Welcome to 2024! As we struggle in the tax woods, we may need to device new ways of keeping up and thriving as young people in the +254. For in this chaotic job market, I wish to assure you that you hold the power to turn the tables. It’s time […]

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