Cultural Riches vs. Classroom Dreams: A Tale of Wealth and Wisdom!

Cultural Riches vs. Classroom Dreams: A Tale of Wealth and Wisdom! By Walter Odondi, Senior MEAL Officer, Zizi Afrique Foundation It’s a scorching afternoon in the Nasuroi desert in Isiolo County. The sun blazes down, punishing the land for the world’s bad choices that have caused environmental degradation. Mr. Engor, an elder in the area, […]

Breaking Barriers, Building Futures: My Journey with Tenda Wema

Breaking Barriers, Building Futures: My Journey with Tenda Wema By Sylvia Khayanga, Tenda Wema Scholar My name is Khayanga Sylvia, and I am a 21-year-old Journalism student at the Multimedia University of Kenya. My passion for storytelling began in my childhood when I first listened to the captivating news on the radio. The presenters’ narratives […]

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