Breaking Barriers, Building Futures: My Journey with Tenda Wema

“Changing the world begins with a single act of kindness. Let’s give with love, serve with humility, and inspire others to join us on the journey of making a difference.”

Since the beginning of 2021, Zizi Afrique Foundation officially launched the implementation of the Tenda Wema Initiative. The initiative which is not directly funded by external donors but raises the money through the staff member’s contributions and well-wishers. Through this intervention, over 100 children are currently in primary, secondary and tertiary institutions.

In commemorating Dr. Sara Ruto’s contribution to both Zizi Afrique and The Peoples Action for Learning (PAL) Network, the Sara cup annual tournament was born in 2021. This year, the charity event will be held on 28th September 2024, bringing members from different institutions where a range of games for adults and children were held. 

We believe that small actions by everyone can be a big contributor to supporting SDG4 of having quality education for minority and vulnerable children. The Tenda Wema Initiative which is ‘a call to give’ encourages both individuals and corporates to support at least one child to attain their dream. Apart from supporting them on one level, we encourage them to ensure that the children identified are supported through the whole cycle which is primary, secondary, and tertiary education. 

Breaking Barriers, Building Futures: My Journey with Tenda Wema​

By Sylvia Khayanga, Tenda Wema Scholar 

My name is Khayanga Sylvia, and I am a 21-year-old Journalism student at the Multimedia University of Kenya. My passion for storytelling began in my childhood when I first listened to the captivating news on the radio. The presenters’ narratives and their voices always fascinated me. Their ability to inform and connect with listeners through the airwaves amazed me. I found a platform in school to explore my passion for storytelling and felt at home behind the microphone. My enthusiasm for journalism keeps growing as I delve deeper into the field through my classes.

I am a beneficiary of the Tenda Wema program, which has profoundly impacted my life. Tenda Wema, is an initiative under Zizi Afrique Foundation that targets to reach most vulnerable children and youth, ensuring that they have access to quality education and a brighter future. Before their intervention, my education journey was fraught with financial struggles that hindered my academic progress. Receiving a scholarship from Tenda Wema was a delightful surprise for me. It felt like a part of God’s plan. My high school principal who saw my potential shared my story with one of the founders of Tenda Wema, Dr. Sara Ruto, who extended a helping hand to support my training through high school and now in college.
Tenda Wema’s impact goes beyond financial assistance. The program has instilled in me a sense of belonging and hope for a brighter future. Through various activities, mentorship and exposure provided by the program, I’ve learned valuable life lessons such as teamwork, optimism, determination, and respect. Tenda Wema has empowered me to pursue my dream career, and I am optimistic about achieving more success in the future.

Once I attain success, I envision giving back to my community. I aim to support those in need by providing conducive learning environments, donating study materials, and supplying sanitary towels to girls to ensure their comfort while studying. My goal is to be a beacon of hope for others, just as Tenda Wema has been for me.

To all fellow beneficiaries of programs like Tenda Wema, my advice would be that they remain focused on their goals, be responsible with the opportunities given, and maintain a heart of gratitude, determination, and self-respect. I am immensely grateful to Tenda Wema for their unwavering support, and I pray for blessings upon those who extend their helping hands to others in need. I am committed to staying focused on my journey, with the hope of making Tenda Wema proud one day.

Until next time

Thank you for being an integral part of the community. Together, we can continue to bring hope, joy, and opportunity to those who need it most. If you have any questions, suggestions, or want help with a current project, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

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