Blogs & Articles

The Green Business Project: Empowering Youth for Agricultural Transformation

By Enock Imani, Program Officer Research As we embarked on our journey through the savannah landscapes of Kajiado County, Kenya, we were filled with anticipation to witness the transformative impact of the Green Business Project. After driving through the dusty roads for 29 kilometres, we finally arrived at a small…

The Role of Teacher-generated Evidence in Education Systems; From users to researchers

By Charles Gachoki, Evidence Use Synthesis Manager. Evidence is crucial in education. It is important to understand which teaching practices and innovations work best, where and when they work well, and how they work under different circumstances. By scrutinizing education evidence, we can integrate proven innovations into our education systems,…

Cultural Riches vs. Classroom Dreams: A Tale of Wealth and Wisdom!

Cultural Riches vs. Classroom Dreams: A Tale of Wealth and Wisdom! By Walter Odondi, Senior MEAL Officer, Zizi Afrique Foundation It's a scorching afternoon in the Nasuroi desert in Isiolo County. The sun blazes down, punishing the land for the world's bad choices that have caused environmental degradation. Mr. Engor,…

Breaking Barriers, Building Futures: My Journey with Tenda Wema

Breaking Barriers, Building Futures: My Journey with Tenda Wema By Sylvia Khayanga, Tenda Wema Scholar My name is Khayanga Sylvia, and I am a 21-year-old Journalism student at the Multimedia University of Kenya. My passion for storytelling began in my childhood when I first listened to the captivating news on…

Dropping nets for school: A Story of Hope for the Marginalized Sanye Community

“2023 has been a wonderful year! Hearing those two students from the Sanye community, who sat for their Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) warms my heart,” exclaimed Dr. Sara. “The lady especially, has made us proud,” she concluded excitedly. Indeed, only two out of eleven students who enrolled in…

Homeschooling in Kenya Through the Eyes of the Mwangi Family

The Mwangi family's home residence in Nairobi's bustling streets and vibrant culture- is a place bursting with energy and rhythm. Meet David and Jane Mwangi, passionate educators who believe that personalized education can transform learning. Their homeschooling odyssey epitomizes the boundless possibilities of education as they embark on a journey…

Musings of an Intern

By Ezra Mwiti As the morning sun gently brushed through the curtains, a mix of anticipation and nervous excitement enveloped me. The thought of the upcoming interview for the youth and children-centric organization filled me with a sense of purpose. With each step in my morning routine, a cascade of…

Emotional Intelligence, my saving height!

By Selin Wanjiku "‘Sasa kafupi!’ ‘Unaona mbele kweli?’" Hi, the short one, can you really see ahead? Those are some of the comments that bothered me many times because of my short stature. They often invaded deep into my emotions and ruined my days. …, Back in my primary school…

ALiVE Book

"We are excited to share that ALiVE has published a book, “Contextualization of 21st Century skills.” The book demonstrates how to build a contextual understanding of 21st century skills in East Africa. Free download here#ALiVEBook #Values #LifeSkills

Ways to Unleash Youth potential in 2024!

By Beria Wawira Dear Youth, Welcome to 2024! As we struggle in the tax woods, we may need to device new ways of keeping up and thriving as young people in the +254. For in this chaotic job market, I wish to assure you that you hold the power to…

Zizi Afrique: Keeping the vision – sharpening the focus!

By John Mugo and Samuel Otieno Zizi Afrique Foundation has existed as an independent organization since August 2018. The initial years sought to establish the foundations for impact-at-scale, exploring mainly the prospects for competency-building in areas of foundational literacy and numeracy (early transition) and technical and vocational training (late transition).…

How TVET can unlock the potential of out of school female youths: A tale of two sisters! By Renaldah Mboje

Despite the sweltering sunshine in Vitengeni, Kilifi County, crowds gathered in their numbers to pick a cue from the vocational training enrolment campaign dubbed, #FormNiTVET[1], Skills for Life. Two ladies stood out like a sore thumb in the crowd that had perched on Vitengeni Vocational Training Centre (VTC) grounds. The…
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