Innovations for Improved Practice

We use evidence on what works in Education. We adapt tested innovations to local contexts to improve learning and training outcomes for those furthest behind. We pilot, monitor and adapt models and frameworks for learning influence and scale.

My Village

My Village project pursued three outcomes: improvement of foundational literacy and numeracy, building community agency, building leadership of youths, and fostering community development.

The project was implemented in 3 PAL Network countries: Kenya, Nepal and Tanzania. My Village Project in Kenya ran between 2022 and 2023 to address high learning poverty rates in Kilifi, Bungoma, and Kitui counties.

15,000 learners in 98 villages were reached across the three counties. 293 youths were engaged. Although the project has concluded, strong partnerships remain with the schools and communities engaged.  

Gender and Education Dialogues: A Girls’ Education movement in Kenya!

This project is born out of conversations with a group of Kenyan women working on advancing children’s educational rights (with a special focus on girls).

The goal of the Dialogues is to contribute towards a collective impact by strengthening conceptual clarity on various gender dynamics. Specifically, the intersectionality of gender norms, patriarchy, and its differentiated effects on girls’ and boys’ progression in education; offer space for insights and reflective conversations on the status of girls’ education, its growth, and our individual contributions towards addressing gender inequities.

• To create a platform for collective impact on gender and education.
• To bring organizations and individuals that focus on gender and education issues.

Zizi Afrique Foundation will coordinate key activities while working in partnership with Girl Child Network among other like-minded stakeholders.

Promoting Values and Life Skills in East African Schools

Learning Journey with Schools (LJS) aims to develop a model for effectively nurturing life skills in primary school children, (aged 4-12 years old), identify key actors working on life skills education in Kenya, design, and test tools to measure the integration of life skills into the curriculum, and advocate for improved life skills education across Kenya.

This project is implemented in collaboration with RELI partners, Ministry of Education in Kenya, Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development, and Teachers Service Commission. The LJS initiative aims to establish a holistic model for integrating life skills into Kenyan primary education, while generating valuable data and recommendations for improvement.

Parental Empowerment and Engagement  

Zizi Afrique Foundation, in collaboration with the Regional Education Learning Initiative (RELI Africa), aims to explore how Parental Empowerment and Engagement (PE&E) can be more impactful in schools and communities.

 The collaboration has yielded a PE&E Framework, which aims to guide the design, implementation, and assessment of PE&E initiatives in education, fostering active parental engagement in their children’s educational journeys. This framework is rooted in four key pillars:  Communication, Collaboration, Capacity Sharing and Leveraging of Community Resources.

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