Cultural Riches vs. Classroom Dreams: A Tale of Wealth and Wisdom!

Cultural Riches vs. Classroom Dreams: A Tale of Wealth and Wisdom! By Walter Odondi, Senior MEAL Officer, Zizi Afrique Foundation It’s a scorching afternoon in the Nasuroi desert in Isiolo County. The sun blazes down, punishing the land for the world’s bad choices that have caused environmental degradation. Mr. Engor, an elder in the area, […]

Homeschooling in Kenya Through the Eyes of the Mwangi Family

The Mwangi family’s home residence in Nairobi’s bustling streets and vibrant culture- is a place bursting with energy and rhythm. Meet David and Jane Mwangi, passionate educators who believe that personalized education can transform learning. Their homeschooling odyssey epitomizes the boundless possibilities of education as they embark on a journey that diverged from the conventional […]

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