Life and work balance. What does it really mean?

In the bustling corridors of the Zizi Afrique Foundation, where passion meets purpose and dedication knows no bounds, the concept of “work-life balance” often emerges as a guiding principle amidst our collective pursuit of social impact. As an intern within this dynamic organization, I’ve found myself immersed in a whirlwind of meaningful projects, collaborative endeavors, and transformative experiences. Yet, amidst the exhilarating buzz of our daily activities, I’ve also encountered the unmistakable tug-of-war between professional commitments and personal well-being.

The Zizi Afrique Foundation stands as a beacon of hope and resilience, dedicated to empowering communities, fostering sustainable development, and championing social justice across the African continent. Within these noble pursuits lies an inherent recognition of the importance of balance – not just in the context of our work, but in the broader tapestry of our lives.

Amidst the symphony of tasks and responsibilities, I often find solace in the melodies of music, a passion that intertwines seamlessly with my journey at Zizi Afrique Foundation. With daily music rehearsals for various orchestras and ensembles, including the prestigious Nairobi Orchestra, as well as two new orchestras, my days are super busy. Juggling between work and music rehearsals every single day keeps me on my toes, challenging me to find innovative ways to manage my time effectively.

Realizing that I no longer had time to practice my music as diligently as before, I had to get creative. As a member of the Innovation Directorate, innovation is not just a buzzword—it’s a way of life. So, I began arriving at the office early, not only to beat the morning traffic but also to carve out 30 minutes between 7-7:30 am for practice. However, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I might be disturbing those who arrived early, eager to dive into their work.

Yet, amidst the pressures of work, I consider myself lucky to have music as my refuge. It’s my sanctuary—a place where I can lose myself in the melodies and find solace amidst the chaos.

It’s not just about finding balance between work and music; it’s about integrating my passion and skills into my everyday life. Encouraged by my supervisor, James, to find ways to incorporate my musical talents into my work, I’ve had the opportunity to perform at office functions, infusing a bit of creativity and artistry into the corporate world. The entire Innovation Directorate has been incredibly supportive, recognizing the value of embracing individual passions within the workplace.

But it’s not just music that brings me joy and fulfillment. I’ve also found a way to indulge my love for chess by teaching it to fellow staff members during lunch breaks, fostering camaraderie and intellectual stimulation in equal measure.

Despite the odds, I’ve managed to carve out a semblance of work-life balance. Most evenings, I find myself returning home late, sometimes as late as 9 or 10 pm, only to rise early the next morning to start the cycle anew. It’s a delicate dance—one that requires constant adjustment and compromise—but it’s a dance worth mastering.

Reflecting on my journey, I’ve had the privilege of hearing the experiences of others navigating similar challenges. Colleagues at Zizi Afrique Foundation, from different departments and backgrounds, have shared their own insights on balancing work and life. Some of my colleagues have advised me on the importance of setting boundaries and prioritizing self-care, while others emphasize the need for open communication with supervisors and colleagues about workload and expectations.

One such colleague is our Executive Director, Dr. Mugo, who provides invaluable insights into the pursuit of work-life balance. For him, balance is not just a destination but an ongoing journey—a journey that requires continuous effort and adaptation. He eloquently compares work-life balance to the art of balancing a sphere, where harmony is achieved through careful attention to multiple dimensions of self. He shares his holistic approach to balance, which revolves around nurturing four essential spheres: the physical self, the soul self, the spiritual self, and the intellectual self. He recognizes the importance of caring for his mind, body, and self, indulging in his love for literature and prioritizing meaningful connections with friends and loved ones. He dedicates time to meditation and introspection, cultivating a sense of peace and purpose in his daily life. And he remains committed to personal and professional growth, staying updated with the latest developments in his field and engaging in reflective practices.

I am glad that Zizi Afrique Foundation and an organization continues to prioritize work and life balance for its staff. One key lesson I have also picked is that, by honoring the interconnectedness of mind, body, soul, and spirit, he reminds us that true fulfillment lies not in the pursuit of perfection but in the harmonious integration of our diverse selves. Let us embrace the richness of our multidimensional selves and strive to cultivate harmony in every sphere of life. As we embark on our own journeys toward balance, let us remember that work-life balance is not a solitary endeavor but a shared pursuit—one that promises fulfillment, resilience, and ultimately, a life well-lived.

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