ZAF-Early Childhood Development (ECD) Initiative

Zizi Afrique acknowledges existing evidence that shows the influences of the first 1,000 days on life outcomes, and appreciates the contribution of national, county governments, Early Childhood Development (ECD) networks as well as other players who continue to do amazing work in advancing ECD agenda in Kenya and beyond.
Despite the dedicated efforts by many partners across the country, progress has been slow with evidence showing gaps in service delivery besides policy formulation and implementation. The initiative is engaged into a scoping exercise to learn and understand the space, connect to the ecosystem players, with a view of identifying opportunities (if any) for supporting the ecosystem to amplify the need for urgency for programming for 0-3 years, leveraging on evidence-led advocacy strategies and approaches. Box 1 provides a summary of the project focus, goal, objectives and expected outcomes.

Box 1: Objectives and Expected Outcomes


2 Learning sessions with key ECD partner’s i.e. Kisumu Medical Education Trust and Early Childhood Development Network for Kenya (ECD NeK).

Existing ECD policies, guidelines and institutional frameworks reviewed, and synthesis report drafted.

1 National ECD Stakeholders Engagement forum held with 25 key stakeholders from national and county governments, as well as civil society organizations and private sector, thus, facilitating knowledge exchange and networking on the Political Economy of service delivery for children 0-3 years guided by NCF. The Technical brief about the national ECD stakeholders forum can be accessed here Technical briefs

County ECD stakeholders Forum held in three counties (Mombasa, Samburu and Siaya), thus connecting county ECD actors, providing opportunity to dive deep into key issues and barriers to service delivery, documentation strategic policy and programmatic interventions, as well as mapping of power dynamics involving key actors (both formal and informal) and their level of influence on the delivery of ECD services for children 0-3 years

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